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New orders will begin to ship April 1st
New orders will begin to ship April 1st

Our Family Team

Joe Martinson (Owner)

Joe Martinson (Owner)

Joe wears all the hats. This company is his brainchild and he personally looks over every single order before it is cut. He's also the one you saw on YouTube .

Olivia Anderson (sister-in-law)

Olivia Anderson (sister-in-law)

Olivia is one of the sweetest souls you'll ever talk to you. She loves people which is why she is our customer service person. If you send us an email she'll be the one you talk to.

Marissa Anderson (sister-in-law)

Marissa Anderson (sister-in-law)

Marissa is the one who makes your hose hookup a breeze. She is in charge of manufacturing every single vent variation that we offer. She literally makes thousands of these and assembles every one of them by hand.

Justin Anderson (brother-in-law)

Justin Anderson (brother-in-law)

Justin is our media guy and does all the pictures and videos for our website and YouTube channel. If there's a video of ours that you don't like, it's his fault ;)

Samantha Martinson (wife)

Samantha Martinson (wife)

Samantha picks up all the pieces and is the one who holds them all together. She does a little bit of everything, but her main job is keeping her husband sane during the summer months. (She's also the pretty face you saw looking out the window on our home page.)

Summer Intern #1 (cnc operator)

Summer Intern #1 (cnc operator)

This summer intern runs our cnc machine which cuts your window insert to the exact dimensions.

Summer Intern #2 (packaging)

Summer Intern #2 (packaging)

This summer intern is responsible for making sure your order is packaged safely and securely.